60 employee result(s) for COB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
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Agustin CohenAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Agustin CohenCollege of Business
Aida PajaresAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Aida PajaresCollege of Business
Alexandra RodriguezASSOC. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Alexandra RodriguezASSOC. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Alexandra RodriguezCollege of Business
Andrea PatruccoASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Andrea PatruccoCollege of Business
Andrew YapAssistant Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Andrew YapAssistant Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Andrew YapCollege of Business
Angela BullardAssoc Dir Acad Support ServCOB Office of Acad Advising
Angela BullardLECTURERCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Angela BullardCollege of Business
Anna PietraszekDirector of the Blackstone LaunchPad at FIUCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Anna PietraszekAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Deans Office
Anna PietraszekCollege of Business
Anthony MiyazakiPROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Anthony MiyazakiPROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Anthony MiyazakiCollege of Business
Carla RiveraAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Carla RiveraCollege of Business
Cassandra OteroAsst Dir Administrative SvcsCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Cassandra OteroCollege of Business
Cleidy Liborio FernandesAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Cleidy Liborio FernandesCollege of Business
Demi BallantyneCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Demi BallantyneCollege of Business
Elizabeth BeristainTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Elizabeth BeristainTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Elizabeth BeristainCollege of Business
Gabriela AlpizarProgram ManagerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Gabriela AlpizarLECTURERCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Gabriela AlpizarCollege of Business
Gregory MaloneyPayCargo FellowCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Gregory MaloneyAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Gregory MaloneyCollege of Business
Gustavo MosqueraAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Gustavo MosqueraCollege of Business
Ha TaASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Ha TaCollege of Business
Jaclyn TanenbaumDirector for the Master of Science in Marketing (MSM) ProgramCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jaclyn TanenbaumAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Chapman Graduate School
Jaclyn TanenbaumCollege of Business
Jae Hoon LeeBMI Marketing ProfessorshipCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jae Hoon LeeASST. PROFESSORCOB Chapman Graduate School
Jae Hoon LeeCollege of Business
Jaime FrancoLECTURERCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jaime FrancoCollege of Business
Jake PollaCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jake PollaCollege of Business
Jayati SinhaMacy's Retailing ProfessorshipCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jayati SinhaASSOC. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jayati SinhaCollege of Business
Jennifer HoustonAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Jennifer HoustonCollege of Business
John TsalikisPROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
John TsalikisCollege of Business
Joshua DorseyASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Joshua DorseyCollege of Business
Justin SeedmanAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Justin SeedmanCollege of Business
Kaan CanayazCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Kaan CanayazCollege of Business
Karla Vela FernandezCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Karla Vela FernandezCollege of Business
Kimberly "Kim" TaylorChair of the Department of Marketing and LogisticsCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Kimberly "Kim" TaylorCollege of Business
Lathan "Craig" AustinAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Lathan "Craig" AustinCollege of Business
Linnea ChapmanASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Linnea ChapmanCollege of Business
Maria GarciaAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Maria GarciaCollege of Business
Maxwell FeraCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Maxwell FeraCollege of Business
Michael PerezAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Michael PerezCollege of Business
Monica MataCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Monica MataCollege of Business
Monica WakefieldINSTRUCTORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Monica WakefieldCollege of Business
Nancy RichmondAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Nancy RichmondCollege of Business
Nicolo AlaimoCo-Director, Global Sales LabCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Nicolo AlaimoAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Nicolo AlaimoCollege of Business
Oscar DiazAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Oscar DiazCollege of Business
Otis KoppAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Otis KoppCollege of Business
Peter DicksonPROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Peter DicksonCollege of Business
Rafael Soltero VenegasCo-Director, Global Sales LabCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Rafael Soltero VenegasAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Rafael Soltero VenegasCollege of Business
Raymond RodyAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Raymond RodyAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Raymond RodyCollege of Business
Ronald MesiaTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Ronald MesiaTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Ronald MesiaCollege of Business
Rosa LobainaProgram DirectorCOB Deans Office
Rosa LobainaLECTURERCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Rosa LobainaCollege of Business
Rosario OrtegaSr Program CoordinatorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Rosario OrtegaCollege of Business
Sarah CherresAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Sarah CherresCollege of Business
Sebastian Garcia DastugueASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Sebastian Garcia DastugueCollege of Business
Shivam AgarwalCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Shivam AgarwalCollege of Business
Suleyman BahadirASSOC. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Suleyman BahadirCollege of Business
Tavis CaldwellINSTRUCTORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Tavis CaldwellCollege of Business
Tim BirrittellaTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Tim BirrittellaCollege of Business
Tofazzal HossainCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Tofazzal HossainCollege of Business
Umair UsmanASST. PROFESSORCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Umair UsmanCollege of Business
Vivian ChenTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Vivian ChenTeaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Vivian ChenCollege of Business
Walfried LassarRyder Professorship (Logistics Center)COB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Walfried LassarCollege of Business
Walter LiuAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Walter LiuCollege of Business
Wendy GuessAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Wendy GuessAssociate Teaching ProfessorCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Wendy GuessCollege of Business
Yanyn San LuisAdjunct LecturerCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Yanyn San LuisCollege of Business
Zhanea HendryCOB Dept of Mkt and Logistics
Zhanea HendryCollege of Business