115 employee result(s) for Office of Rsch and Eco Develop
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Adriana CampaAssociate Professor EmeritaOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Adriana CampaDivision of Research
Alexandria SchaeferRsch Contract Admin IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Alexandria SchaeferDivision of Research
Amable TellezLab Manager IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Amable TellezDivision of Research
Amanda BluckRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Amanda BluckDivision of Research
Ana VillafanaSr Director Award ServicesOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ana VillafanaDivision of Research
Ana VillanuevaPost Award Coordinator IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ana VillanuevaDivision of Research
Andres GilSenior Vice President for Research and Economic DevelopmentOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Andres GilDivision of Research
Angel RayoResearch Integrity Coord IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Angel RayoDivision of Research
Antonio GonzalezBudget & Cost Analyst IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Antonio GonzalezDivision of Research
Ashley BatesLab Manager IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ashley BatesDivision of Research
Barbara "Llaneras" RodriguezAssoc. Dir Research IntegrityOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Barbara "Llaneras" RodriguezDivision of Research
Betsy PerezManager Administrative SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Betsy PerezDivision of Research
Camila Giraldo ReyesPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Camila Giraldo ReyesDivision of Research
Charles BiggerProfessor EmeritusOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Charles BiggerDivision of Research
Christopher GraysonSr Director Research IntegrityOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Christopher GraysonDivision of Research
Ciara PerezDirector of BudgetOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ciara PerezDivision of Research
Claudia PereraPost Award Coordinator IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Claudia PereraDivision of Research
Claudia VarelaResearch Proposal Admin IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Claudia VarelaDivision of Research
Clery QuirosRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Clery QuirosDivision of Research
Damon RondeauPost Award Coordinator IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Damon RondeauDivision of Research
Daniel GrandaIP & Technology ManagerOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Daniel GrandaDivision of Research
Daniel GutierrezLead Apps Business AnalystOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Daniel GutierrezDivision of Research
Daniel OlivaPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Daniel OlivaDivision of Research
David DriesbachAssistant Vice President ReseaOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
David DriesbachDivision of Research
David RiceProfessional Accountant 2Office of Rsch and Eco Develop
David RiceDivision of Research
Deepika ParyaniRsch Contract Admin IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Deepika ParyaniDivision of Research
Demi MoroPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Demi MoroLECTURERCriminology and Crimi Justice
Demi MoroDivision of Research
Desiree MesaBudget & Cost Analyst IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Desiree MesaDivision of Research
Diana AlfonsoAsst Director Post AwardOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Diana AlfonsoDivision of Research
Diana Firvida-OlivaSenior University CounselOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Diana Firvida-OlivaDivision of Research
Diana TaverasDir HR and Administrative SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Diana TaverasDivision of Research
Diego BuenoRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Diego BuenoDivision of Research
Donna KileySr Director Post AwardOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Donna KileyDivision of Research
Douglas WartzokProvost EmeritusOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Douglas WartzokDivision of Research
Elvia MolinaProgram AssistantOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Elvia MolinaDivision of Research
Erica CalderonPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Erica CalderonDivision of Research
Ernesto CrucetLead Apps Business AnalystOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ernesto CrucetDivision of Research
Estella "Estelle" VeraPost Award Coordinator IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Estella "Estelle" VeraDivision of Research
Fabian EcheniqueSr. Laboratory TechnicianOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Fabian EcheniqueDivision of Research
Fernando Azanza CordovaOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Fernando Azanza CordovaDivision of Research
Gabriela GonzalezGrants AssociateOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Gabriela GonzalezDivision of Research
Gema BonillaBudget & Cost Analyst IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Gema BonillaDivision of Research
Gregory "Greg" HughleyFacility Security OfficerOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Gregory "Greg" HughleyDivision of Research
Horatiu VinereanSr Dir Lab Animal ResearchOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Horatiu VinereanDivision of Research
Ingrid HuysmansRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ingrid HuysmansDivision of Research
Jacqueline LaboyRsch Contract Admin IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jacqueline LaboyDivision of Research
James FourqureanDistinguished Univ ProfessorOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
James FourqureanDivision of Research
James FourqureanCollege of Arts, Sciences and Education
Jeisa ThomasRsch Contract Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jeisa ThomasDivision of Research
Jennifer EchevarriaResearch Proposal Admin IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jennifer EchevarriaDivision of Research
Jennifer PerezRsrch Integ Foreign Influe MgrOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jennifer PerezDivision of Research
Jonathan RizoOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jonathan RizoDivision of Research
Jorge YiAsst Director Post AwardOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Jorge YiDivision of Research
Joshua "Josh" BrownSr Coordinator Admin ServicesOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Joshua "Josh" BrownDivision of Research
June PenciuRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
June PenciuDivision of Research
Karina BonetOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Karina BonetDivision of Research
Karla PaizManager Administrative SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Karla PaizDivision of Research
Katherine AlonsoTemp Program CoordOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Katherine AlonsoDivision of Research
Katherine HuttonRsch Contract Admin IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Katherine HuttonDivision of Research
Keren PerezPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Keren PerezDivision of Research
Kourtney WilsonIRB CoordinatorOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Kourtney WilsonDivision of Research
Kristen IngramRsch Contract Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Kristen IngramDivision of Research
Lara Briceno SalomonOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Lara Briceno SalomonDivision of Research
Lia DuranIT Assistant DirectorOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Lia DuranDivision of Research
Liberty AllenOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Liberty AllenDivision of Research
Linda CarrollRESEARCH ASSOCIATEOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Linda CarrollDivision of Research
Lissvett VergaraPost Award Coordinator IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Lissvett VergaraDivision of Research
Lucila PinedaPost Award Coordinator IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Lucila PinedaDivision of Research
Ludmilla ChampagneSr Dir Proposal SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Ludmilla ChampagneDivision of Research
Luis SanchezSr. Laboratory TechnicianOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Luis SanchezDivision of Research
Lydia GonzalezBudget & Cost Analyst IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Lydia GonzalezDivision of Research
Mabel BenavidesRsch Contract Admin IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Mabel BenavidesDivision of Research
Macy StevensPost Award Coordinator IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Macy StevensDivision of Research
Madison "Madi" JimenezResearch Integrity Coord IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Madison "Madi" JimenezDivision of Research
Manira AhmedResearch Proposal Admin IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Manira AhmedDivision of Research
Mari DuqueOffice AssistantOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Mari DuqueDivision of Research
Maria AlonsoResearch Proposal Admin IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Maria AlonsoDivision of Research
Maria CabreraOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Maria CabreraDivision of Research
Maria Melendez-VargasResearch Integrity Coord IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Maria Melendez-VargasDivision of Research
Maria "Marilu" MejiaProfessional Accountant 1Office of Rsch and Eco Develop
Maria "Marilu" MejiaDivision of Research
Mario DiegoRsch Contract Admin IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Mario DiegoDivision of Research
Martha CaseroRsch Contract Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Martha CaseroDivision of Research
Martin-Jose SepulvedaDistinguished University ProfessorOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Martin-Jose SepulvedaDivision of Research
Maureen PelhamSr Dir Research AdminOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Maureen PelhamDivision of Research
Mirtha AlbertoSr Dir Administrative SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Mirtha AlbertoDivision of Research
Monica De La RosaGrants AssistantOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Monica De La RosaDivision of Research
Monica RodrigoPost Award Coordinator IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Monica RodrigoDivision of Research
Narcy ContrerasRsch Contract Admin IOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Narcy ContrerasDivision of Research
Nodalys MosqueraRsch Contract Admin IVOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Nodalys MosqueraDivision of Research
Paola MargaryRsch Proposal Admin IIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Paola MargaryDivision of Research
Paula AlgerBudget & Cost Analyst IIIOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Paula AlgerDivision of Research
Pedro HernandezSr Dir IP & Tech TransfersOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Pedro HernandezDivision of Research
Raquel RodriguezMRI TechnologistOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Raquel RodriguezDivision of Research
Rebeca Diep-KondlaManager Administrative SvcsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Rebeca Diep-KondlaDivision of Research
Regnier JuradoSr Dir Program AdministrationOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Regnier JuradoDivision of Research
Reyna HernandezAsst Dir Proposal ServicesOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Reyna HernandezDivision of Research
Roberto GutierrezAssoc. VP Research ProgramsOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Roberto GutierrezDivision of Research
Roberto ZuritaSr Apps Business AnalystOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Roberto ZuritaDivision of Research
Shantanu BalkundiAsst Dir Technology LicensingOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Shantanu BalkundiDivision of Research
Stacey DericoRESEARCH ASSOCIATEOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Stacey DericoDivision of Research
Stephanie Mitjans-SardinasManager Space UtilizationOffice of Rsch and Eco Develop
Stephanie Mitjans-SardinasDivision of Research